
Good question! My name is Cliff, and I'm a guy from the Midwest living down under in Australia. I'm a pro voice over artist, musician, singer and actor. When I'm not in the studio, you can catch me at the beach, playing guitar, lacrosse, or hanging with my fiancé, our cat and 5 parrots (seriously!).
I originally hail from the great state of Michigan and come from a musical and fairly artsy family. After graduating from Michigan State University with a bachelors degree in finance I took a trip down under to see what this beautiful country had to offer. After only planning on an initial 9 months, I had the time of my life, fell in love and had new professional
Who is this guy and where's he from?!
opportunities in the arts. So I decided to stay just a little longer...which has now turned into 11 years now and counting!
Over many years, my love & work in the arts has flourished, developing my skills and style in voice, music, acting & modeling, and I now have a long list of fantastic clients that I've worked with in all of those fields. I've been the lead singer of a rock band, went solo and back to my more acoustic roots, traveled, promoted and toured through Europe several times and have seen a good chunk of Australia along the way. I've even played music at a ski resort and snowboarded here...yes there is snow down under!
Voice Over Artist History
Many years ago while working in hospitality in the U.S. I would frequently get comments like "Hey, you have a great voice, you should be on the radio!" which got me thinking....and after that thought remained on the back burner of my mind (for a long time), I finally had the impetus to take action and start getting to work.
Now, at this point in time, I've voiced over 1,700 jobs for clients in all corners of the world, and this 'little side project' has become my main project...and I couldn't be happier.
Over the years, I've continually invested and developed my voice, my ear, and production & editing skills while working with coaches and other voice talent. This has led to me offering a full bodied professional sound with top quality equipment.
Current Gear List:
Sennheiser MKH416 & Rode NT2A Mics
KRK Rokit 5 Monitors
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro Monitoring Headphones
Steinberg UR44C Audio Interface
Yamaha MG10XU Mixer
Mac Book Pro with Logic Pro X & Izotope RX7 Software

I'd love to chat! Reach out to me anytime for a quote, audition/demo, or simply to ask a question at contact@cliffkoma.com